In the big picture, there are really only two ways that humans can organize themselves in a society. Forget about this Capitalism-Socialism-Communism construct for a minute, and let’s make a simple distinction that can be readily understood: there is only ‘self-governance’ and ‘external governance’.
A brief glimpse at history shows that all human societies have operated somewhere along a continuum between these two polarities. And the extent to which the society allows the individual to govern themselves correlates to its place on the spectra between equality and inequality; freedom and slavery; decentralization of power and centralization of power.
The current ‘viral’ push for authoritarian dominance across the planet has laid bare the agenda that underlies all external governance: the desire to increase power and control over others. And as people become more and more negatively impacted in their personal and societal lives, they are awakening in droves to this agenda and have begun to fight for the freedoms they once took for granted.
OK, so let’s say you are fighting for freedom and equality. In fact you believe every human being is entitled to live in freedom. Understand that with freedom comes responsibility. And the belief that each human being is free would imply that it is our choices and our consent that has caused this authoritarian mess we are currently in. In other words, we need to acknowledge that we each hold some measure of responsibility for it.
Checking Your Dependence on External Governance
To use one more analogy, societies are governed across a spectrum between an egalitarian brother-sister model and an authoritarian parent-child model. Let’s put aside the fact there will always be a need for parent-child relationships in society amongst actual parents and children. The question is, when we leave childhood and reach the age of consent, have we actually become adults, fully sovereign and self-governing human beings who no longer needs rules, no longer needs to be told what to do? Or has the parent-child relationship that we were brought up under (often imbued with coercion and its associated trauma) simply gotten transposed onto our relationship to the governing authority?
The majority of society still falls under the latter distinction, and it is the main reason we continue to consent as a collective to be governed by external authority. Many people still hold significant, unhealed fear and trauma within themselves, which evokes the need to have an external ‘father figure’ to protect them and guide them. And certainly, we are seeing today that the ruling class does everything in its power to keep it this way.
How individuals move from this internal state of dependency to an internal state of sovereignty is the central focus of my transformation life coaching practice, so I will not elaborate on this here. For the purposes of this article, I am simply bringing this up because, whosoever wants to be part of a society founded on self-governance within a decentralized network must first become sovereign enough to no longer believe in the need for an external authority to live under.
Our known human history does not give us many precedents for self-governence that spans an entire country. An interesting early example of decentralized power is Ancient Greece, where the city-state, or polis, was the community structure. Each city-state was independent and ruled itself, and they differed greatly from each other in governing philosophies and interests. However one could hardly say Ancient Greece worked as a cooperative network, or that they believed that all human beings were equal and free.
The only real precedent for a country attempting to build a decentralized network supporting ‘self-governance’ is when the United States of America was formed in 1776 after declaring independence from Britain. But while American society was founded on the inalienable freedom of the individual, this freedom has long been infringed upon by the very institutions that were designed to protect it. Despite many warnings that freedom must continually be fought for, not only from the founding fathers but also many Presidents throughout American history , the American people as a whole did not have sufficient awareness to keep their freedoms protected.
A New Opportunity
Today, despite the fact that many, perhaps the majority, are still unaware of exactly what is going on, as a whole human consciousness is reaching unprecedented heights. The information and knowledge that is now coming to light for a critical mass of people, as evil and tyrannical as it is, provides a brilliant new window of opportunity for those who are truly ready to walk away from that tyranny. We might even be seeing the current drive towards personal sovereignty and the desire for self-governance as the beginning of the new zeitgeist for our times.
A growing number of people have become interested in studying Natural Law, and seek to understand the complexity of the laws and jurisdictions that bind us to our current system, in order to escape it. Many are talking about going off the grid completely, in some cases moving to other countries, buying a parcel of land and creating ‘intentional’ or ‘conscious’ communities.
These are great and brave initiatives, and their experiences are sure to inform the evolution of human self-governance. Still, I see that the vast majority of awakened people are unable or unwilling to uproot themselves and their lives so dramatically. There is a growing need for such people to come together in a different form of ‘conscious community,’ one that connects people across a whole country.
For Canadians, this is where the People’s Union of Canada comes in.
The People’s Union of Canada: a Decentralized Network
The People’s Union of Canada is an experiment in self-governance that will serve all freedom-loving residents of Canada who want to be part of a ‘conscious community’ without having to move off the grid. Together, we will work towards a safe and gradual process of walking away from the old system of ‘external governance’ and towards a new system of ‘self-governance.’
My recent experience designing and administrating the site, which has a directory table containing over 170 Canadian freedom groups and individuals, has given me a lot of clarity around the process of creating unity in the freedom movement. It’s important to understand that uniting a movement around particular actions, events, and initiatives will necessarily be limited to those who believe in the particular action, event, or initiative, whether it be a rally, a petition, a court action, a meditation, or something else.
If unity is to be achieved, the uniting principle must be so basic, so fundamental that everyone will be in accord with it. The uniting principle of the Peoploe’s Union of Canada is each individual’s personal declaration “I am free,” coupled with the creation of a decentralized human network across all of Canada and its territories, whose only mandate is to offer support to EVERY individual and group that is seeking freedom in exactly the way that resonates with them.
To learn more, you can go to, and if you are Canadian, you are invited to join this union if it resonates with you.