Are We on the Road to Freedom or Enslavement?

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While some of us have been writing and talking for decades about a global agenda meticulously designed to eventually take away the last vestiges of our freedoms, it is only now, in the pandemic ‘phase’ of the plan, that a significant swath of humanity is starting to see that this erstwhile ‘conspiracy theory’ is the only reasonable explanation for everything that is now unfolding before our eyes.

The testimonies of a growing number of brave whistleblowers of all professions and a host of excellent researchers and writers coming through alternative media have, by now, made an indisputable case: there is indeed a global ‘ruling class’ that sits at the top of a power pyramid, planning and acting with little to no regard for the welfare of humanity. This small group has long enjoyed the means to exact a certain measure of control over governments, corporations, financial institutions, the military, health care, education and the media.

Furthermore, those at the top of the ruling class have vast secret knowledge of our true history, how human beings function in society and how we can be manipulated. They are the social engineers, the consensus manufacturers, who have repetitively employed the problem-reaction-solution strategy through the use of false flags and other deceptive machinations, with an end game to eventually cull and herd humanity into a global system of total enslavement (The Hunger Games is one of several movies that paints this picture evocatively).

So Then We’re Doomed?

I didn’t suddenly come out of my 4-month sabbatical from writing to add to growing fears that we are hurtling inescapably towards a population-reduced global technocracy. Yes, I think that has been the plan all along. But if it was truly working, most signs of manipulation would still be hidden in the background, and there wouldn’t be a need for the blatant censorship and unprecedented legal hijinks that we are seeing today.

No, after devoting the last 4 months of my time supporting Canadian freedom fighters through a website I designed and administrate called Freedom Rising, I now come back to my weekly articles, podcasts and memes through Dao Coaching with a conviction that the ruling class is on their way down. This is not to say that the tireless work of freedom fighters in Canada and all over the world is no longer necessary; far from it. Everyone fighting for freedom in a manner that aligns with their inner guidance is an essential part of the process, and I continue to be eternally grateful for the work and bravery of all individuals involved.

I am just saying that my own inner guidance is telling me that I no longer need to focus on what these dark forces are doing or express my opinion as to how we should react to it, as I had been doing previously on Dao Coaching and before that on Collective Evolution.

Rather, the time has begun for me to truly create. My work, founded on the freedom declaration that I have made, is to participate in the birth of a new parallel society with like-minded people whose elevated sense of self-responsibility goes hand-in-hand with personal sovereignty.

It is well understood that humanity as a whole is still embroiled in a day-to-day struggle to protect our inherent rights and freedoms, but I have managed to place my front foot firmly beyond the carnage, and I have to say that the view from here of the new world we will be creating is breathtaking.

In these past 4 months I have gone through an important stage in my own personal metamorphosis, finally leaving behind the fear and anger wrought by egregious Pandemic measures and mandates to arrive at a place of stillness. From this place I can see clearly why the current geopolitical climate was an essential condition for this stage of our collective evolution.

The Awakening of Humanity

One may very well make the argument that up to this time in our history, it was necessary for us to be ruled by dark, controlling regimes based on our level of consciousness and our capacity for self-governance. And further, that it takes an extreme and painful experience around the malevolent nature of external authority for each of us to rise up and truly awaken to our legitimate internal authority over every aspect of our lives.

As I foreshadowed in 2008 in my book Parables for the New Conversation (currently being featured one chapter per week on Dao Coaching), the future of human society rests in the creation of small, fully autonomous communities, themselves devoted to protecting the autonmomy of each individual therein.

It is with this in mind that I am embarking upon a major new project here in Canada called The People’s Union, which will consist in the creation of a decentralized network whose sole purpose will be to support autonomous groups, businesses and small communities and the inherent freedom of the individuals therein. Until I get access in mid-November to the URL and other URLs that will support this network, information about the People’s Union resides on The Freedom Declaration, a website devoted to allowing all individuals to use the most powerful statement in the universe. ‘I AM,’ and make the simple but profound declaration ‘I am free.’

From this time forward, my work on Dao Coaching will be focused on how each one of us can free ourselves internally from the fear and anger that the old system is trying to keep us in, and how we can slowly build a new system founded on love, liberty and creativity, a system that will truly allow us to walk away from tyranny, one step at a time.

As Buckminster Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” The People’s Union of Canada is still in its infancy, but if you are interested in taking on a role as a builder of this union, please send me an email at