Still Wondering if You Should Take the Vaccine? Here’s the Information that Mainstream Media is Trying to Hide

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By and large, the explosion of alternative news sites in recent years is predicated on one thing: the mainstream media is not telling the truth.

If they were, the whole ‘raison d’etre‘ for alternative news media would largely be gone.

This does not mean that mainstream media is ‘always lying.’ A careful distinction must be made here. The mainstream media continues to present a perception of the world that is pseudo-truthful: Politicians are often criticized in mainstream media, but the legitimacy of government is never questioned. Unflattering medical statistics might appear, but the notion that medical institutions actually don’t care about our health is never entertained. Financial crimes are revealed, but the financial system itself is never cast in a bad light.

Mainstream media is essentially owned by a small ruling class cartel. Their reporting focuses on individual people and events as scapegoats while protecting the corrupt systems and institutions that hold power in society.

Vaccine Propaganda

And since the ruling class is heavily invested in the, ahem, ‘perpetual vaccination health model,’ mainstream media does not do any in-depth studies or investigations into the effectiveness or potential harm of vaccines. Instead, they defer to the ‘experts’ who opine (never prove) the tired old line that vaccines are ‘safe and effective.’ Mainstream perception is like a sort of mass delusion where people trust these ‘experts’ because it is too confronting and painful to consider the possibility that these ‘experts’ are not trustworthy, and it is an even bigger stretch to consider that some of these people and the institutions they run are willfully causing injury and death.

That said, actual facts about the current vaccines that are coming to light, when organized in digestible presentations like the following video, may indeed help to wake people out of a mainstream perception that has been carefully maintained in our societies for a long time. if you know someone who is considering getting the vaccine but is looking for a little more information, this video might be a good one to point them to. Among the highlights you will find in this video are:

  • side effects and mortality statistics
  • total immunity from prosecution for manufacturers
  • the experimental nature of the mRNA function (and how this injection is not by definition a ‘vaccine’)
  • an analysis of the the ingredients
  • an analysis of the testing protocols
  • an analysis of the immunity conferred by the injection
  • alternative treatment options for Covid-19 symptoms
  • censorship of alternative views from doctors and scientists
  • survival rate from Covid-19
  • reliability of the PCR test
  • validity of the reporting of Covid-19 deaths

Do Your Own Research

What distinguishes honest, truth-seeking alternative media from deceptive, perception-forming mainstream media is this: truth seeking media will always advocate for you to do your own research. Usually working on a small budget and limited access to information, they will humbly welcome any new information if it proves that they said something that was not truthful. Then they will gratefully retract that information and highlight the new information because that advances the pursuit of truth. Several times in my own journalism, when I have ventured deep into geopolitical conflict, I have been alerted by certain readers that I was only presenting one side of the story, and they offered me compelling information about a different point of view which I greatly appreciated. That led to me writing whole new articles such as ‘Let’s Look At Both Sides Of The Hong Kong Protests‘ and ‘Reader Emails: Stop Making Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Out To Be A Saint‘ in which I attempt to highlight my readers’ points of contention while outlining the evolution of my thought and belief as a result.

Mainstream media will never tell you to do your own research. In fact, they will subtly make you feel that you are not smart enough to discern the truth within the information out there. Thus the tone of mainstream media is that there is no need to look elsewhere, that they can be trusted, the science is settled on whatever they opine, and all ideas that run counter to their narrative are ridiculed, deemed ‘pseudoscience,’ ‘conspiracy theory,’ or whatever new epithet they believe will embarrass readers enough that they will not open their minds to alternative opinions.

The great thing is that, at this moment, people are waking up to all this. The chinks in the armor of mainstream media, and the globalist agenda as a whole, are now gaping and rust-infested. Desperate tactics of censorship and misrepresentation throughout mainstream social media are becoming more blatant. Their agenda to convince us that the entire planet needs a regular schedule of vaccinations going forward is being resisted by a critical mass of people, and as a result, it appears that the truth about this vaccine agenda and the larger agenda of a global dictatorship will be revealed to all before it is able to be put in place.