Covid-19 Compliance is Spotlighting the Global Elite Control Pyramid for All to See (Part 2: the Second Wave)

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Never has the global elite’s tried-and-true deployment of the principle Ordo ab Chao (Order out of Chaos) to enact measures of control and self-enrichment been more on naked display than with their latest and greatest social engineering venture, the ‘Pandemic’. A growing panic seems to be replacing the usual calm cockiness within the ruling class, who have reason to fear that the awakening of more and more people to their prime modus operandi is poised to eventually bring their whole control system down.

By the time the ‘flattening of the curve’ had statistically occurred late in the springtime, those who already knew the score were aware that every attempt would be made to maintain a steady level of fear across the summer and into the fall, so that the normal rise in illness and mortality that occurs during the winter flu season could be cast far and wide as evidence of the ‘second wave’ of the ‘deadly’ SARS-COV-2 virus.

Predictive Programming

The global elite have long been in the business of predictive programming. Their predictions of future disasters like nuclear war, global warming or viral pandemics stoke fear, this fear elicits compliance, and the compliance that people see around them reinforces in their minds that we are in fact in the midst of clear and present danger. If we take a moment to look back into the past, however, we can see that, as with virtually all cases, early predictions of the threat posed by the pandemic were overblown.

Remember how British scientist Neil Ferguson ignited the world’s drastic response to Covid-19 when he published the bombshell report predicting 2.2 million Americans and more than half a million Brits would be killed? Of course mainstream media broadcast this story everywhere, which was impactful in driving both the U.S. and U.K. governments to effectively shut down their citizens and economies in March.

We now know the projections were dead wrong. As of this writing, 286,000 Covid deaths have been ‘reported’ in the U. S. of which, according to the CDC, only 6% were not affiliated with pre-existing conditions. That leaves us with 17,160 deaths purely from Covid in the United States, which means Ferguson overstated the danger by 12800%.

But having consistently exaggerated the extent of danger with their predictions, does that make our authority change their strategy? Of course not. Because those at the top of the pyramid know it is deception. They are not trying to tell us what the future actually holds, they are trying to maintain and increase their control over us. And so when one prediction doesn’t come to pass, they stop talking about it and double down on a new prediction, in order to keep us in fear.

Can you tell me of a major ‘crisis’ prediction that our authority has made during your lifetime that actually makes us feel like everything is OK the way it is, and no measures or interventions are needed? Of course not. Because that would defeat the whole purpose, which is to make us feel secure ONLY IF we trust their authority and follow their mandates.

‘Inevitable’ Second Wave

And so it is with this ‘second wave’ of Covid-19. More than one of my friends held the opinion in mid-summer that ‘there will be a second wave and it will be worse,’ perhaps not even realizing that their opinion was not deduced from any analysis of the raw evidence, but was rather a simple reiteration of the underlying mainstream programming that had already begun to take place.

That said, more people around me than ever are questioning and even mocking the pandemic measures, based on their incoherence and inconsistency. The social engineers are having a hard go of it this time around, with pesky pockets of awakened people becoming increasingly active and vocal and gaining in numbers all the time. Despite growing censorship, social media continues to provide these truth-seeking people a way to assemble and organize, and the very fact that highly credible scientific information is being blatantly censored is causing many to rightly question why they are not being allowed to hear both sides of the argument and make up their own minds about the science.

What the ruling class relies on is that we are too busy, too tired, or too lazy to get familiar with the science if it is not presented to us on a silver platter with a catchy headline and a short executive summary. As I emphasize again and again in my previous article ‘Why We All Need to Understand the Science Behind the Covid-19 PCR Test,’ the time has come, with the censorship of truth and proliferation of lies coming from the government-medical establishment-mainstream media axis, to familiarize ourselves with the raw data and learn how to analyze it if we are to arrive at the truth:

In this era of incredible deception by the ruling class, we need to grasp science in order to safeguard our health, just as we need to study politics and law to ensure our freedom, and learn history and psychology in order to understand how and to what extent we have been brainwashed since we were born.

Fortunately, many truth-seekers are taking up the mantle, investigating and proliferating the information that is bringing a big picture into view, a realization that this is truly a global fight between good and evil, between those who believe in individual human freedom and those who are trying to implement human slavery to an extent never seen before.

Being labelled a ‘conspiracy theorist’ no longer has the destructive juice it once had, as more and more people on the planet are now coming to see that history has fundamentally been advanced by rich and powerful elites coming into agreements that are mutually beneficial to their self-enrichment, and to the detriment of the human race.

The Double-Edged Sword of Compliance

And so, we have a schism on our planet that is ever-widening, between those that cling to the elites’ manufactured version of reality, and those seeking to uncover a deeper reality that is hidden beneath it, a reality which, admittedly, has dark and disturbing truths that many are not ready for. Some have gone so far to say we are going through a ‘bifurcation of reality.’

It’s true that the compliance we have seen around the world with the Covid measures has so far been substantial. For those who gird themselves to mainstream perception, this is a justification to maintain their posture. If they see it everywhere, if everyone except for ‘a few yahoos’ are complying, then this threat must be real, the lockdown directives must be sincere and well-reasoned, and the danger is real until we are told otherwise by our authority.

“Our government would never do something like that,” some people have said to me when I told them that the inequities and financial hardship being caused by the lockdowns is actually a part of a larger plan rather than an unfortunate consequence of prudence and safety. “If that’s true, then you’re saying everyone is IN ON IT,” I am told dismissively, when in fact this gross oversimplification plays like a kind of defense mechanism against having to look into darkness.

Yes, a large number of the very few at the top, the richest and most important people, are indeed IN ON IT. That is the big secret. Oh, it’s not as though this collection of big egos and selfish desires necessarily get along and agree on everything. Far from it. In fact the global elite has always represented a multiplicity, a collection of factions competing against one another. And yet, they have at least one common agreement, which they have to stake their lives and fortunes on. That agreement is to keep all the activities of all members a secret. And with this agreement, we can say that these various factions are working in concert, and can be labeled under one name, whether that name be the global elite, the cabal, the ruling class, our authority, the powers that be, the Illuminati, the family, and so on.

This control structure that I’m calling here the ‘global elite’ has been in place a very long time. How long? Who exactly are these people? This is a subject for another time, which I plan to go deeply into in future writings and podcasts. Let’s just say that, up until recently, they have been able to shield their most heinous activities from the majority of the population.

As it stands today, a growing number of people are starting to look behind the veil and see a different picture of how the world works, helped by the proliferation of information afforded by the internet. For some, the fact that the Covid-19 lockdown has had such global compliance without popular dissent, especially within the governments and other authoritative bodies in the most powerful countries on the planet, keeps them locked in the illusion. For many others, however, the utter efficiency of the enforcement of measures worldwide helps them rightly see that this world is run by and through a global control pyramid. They are awakening to the fact that each and every important sphere of human activity has gradually morphed into a top-down control structure, governed from the top by power, money, and threats of violence.

The Interlocking Grid of Power

Let’s run through them here. The pursuit of science is controlled by money, where research is not funded for what is best for humanity, but simply to provide the global elite with a good return on their investment. Nowhere is that more in evidence than with this pandemic, where the health care pyramid has put all their chips in on a future of global vaccine mandates. The top-down mainstream media pyramid is of course fully complicit in this. It forbids and ridicules all alternative views while providing ubiquitous, constant, and repetitive programming to tell us we will be in danger until everyone is vaccinated.

The world of finance may be the epitome of centralized control, with the Central Banks operating through bald-faced fraud and collusion to literally steal the wealth from citizens and provide it to the global elite. Commerce has become increasingly centralized though mergers and acquisitions leading to the rise of transnational mega-corporations solidly entrenched in the power pyramid. It is no coincidence that individually-owned, autonomous small businesses have been violently targeted by the Covid-19 measures, while big box stores and their corporations are making never-seen-before profits during this time of crisis.

The business of education is really indoctrination. Schools prepare students to ‘make a living’ and accept a lifetime of work in ways that enrich of the global elite. Professors and academics gain funding and a reputation as an ‘expert’ and large grants are given to schools in exchange for the promotion of the social norms the global elite wants to steer society towards. Even the entertainment industry, including professional sports, has become a top-down power pyramid that all the top beneficiaries are beholden to. The top movie stars, singers and athletes are being used more and more to promote compliance with Pandemic measures and none of them would dare speak out against them.

And so, the mainstream realms of science, health care, finance, commerce, education and entertainment virtually speak with one voice in support of the recommended pandemic measures, and mainstream media broadcasts that voice (and only that voice). All this is supported through politics which itself has become centralized through a global governance structure, in which the global elite has slowly gained control over the important political leaders of each country. Without this interlocked, top-down pyramid of power that has infiltrated all the important realms of human life, total compliance with these pandemic measures, where big industries seemingly sacrificed ‘profit’ like never before to allegedly protect humanity (“prevent the spread of Covid-19”), would have been impossible. However, the fact that they pulled it off is actually laying bare the mechanics of this power structure to growing swaths of humanity.

The Takeaway

If this was a poker game between the global elite and humanity, one could say that the global elite has overplayed their hand. In fact, they are now in a rush to implement their long-planned global control system. Time is running out for them to implement their plan and still maintain a cloud of deception sufficient to continue safeguarding our collective consent.

A sleeping giant is awakening, and many who initially felt fear are now becoming angry, and while that anger is still mostly being directed at the local politicians (that is what they are paid the big bucks for, to appear to be in charge), many are now seeing the clear presence of a global control pyramid, and are starting to piece together what its agenda is. It is when a critical mass of people gain this awareness, and their thirst to have the truth revealed becomes insatiable, that the illusory perception of reality the global elite have painstakingly maintained for so long will permanently dissolve in the collective mind of humanity.