Covid-19 Compliance is Spotlighting the Global Elite Control Pyramid for All to See (Part 1: the First Wave)

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This Covid-19 ‘Pandemic’ has certainly been an eye-opener for me. Yes, I had long heard about the plans of the global elite to wrest even greater control over the planet’s governance using a pandemic (see the excellent banned documentary Plandemic: Indoctornation for a more comprehensive explanation), in conjunction with a financial crisis/reset, threat of war, riots and other staged events. So the fact that this mayhem is all occurring now is not a complete surprise to me. What has taken me aback, however, is how pervasive the voluntary compliance has been from the citizens of the world.

I never would have guessed, for example, when demanding an exemption from mask-wearing in school for my son, that the principal would tell me that my son would be one of only two children not wearing a mask in the entire school. Nor did I fathom that I would be seeing people wearing masks outside everywhere I turn, even though they have never been mandated in Canada to be worn outside.

But perhaps the most egregious example–it would be the height of comedy if it wasn’t so disconcerting–was playing in a soccer game where two teams of grown men followed instructions not to touch the soccer ball with their hands at all (i.e. to retrieve a ball off the field, place free kicks, etc.). Of course, out of habit, it did happen about a dozen times in the game, wherein the referee and majority of players saw to it that the soccer ball was sidelined and sprayed with chemical sanitizer while an already ‘cleaned’ ball was brought into play, all in the name of ‘preventing the spread of Covid-19.’ Please remember that absolutely no proof has been provided by our authorities that this ‘virus’ can be spread between humans via inanimate objects.

Don’t People Need Scientific Evidence?

Obviously, I can’t begrudge individuals that have been scared into submission by the relentless campaign of fear, courtesy of the global alliance of governments, the medical establishment, academia, multinational corporations, and mainstream news. This campaign has provided constant reminders that we should feel unsafe and wary of each other, with mandated signage up in front of each establishment, relentless advertising on radio, TV, and on social media, as well as ubiquitous news coverage warning of a clear and present danger and a foreboding future.

In essence, the ‘Covid-19 Pandemic’ has been the most comprehensive compliance campaign that has ever been launched in the world. And part of that campaign, as is the case in all large-scale social engineering efforts, is that opposing views are systematically quashed, ridiculed, and censored. When opposing views and healthy debate are not welcomed, it is a clear indication that those views are a significant threat to an agenda founded on deception. In the case of this ‘pandemic’, the systematic marginalizing and outright silencing of opposing views, seen most clearly in accelerating censorship and deplatforming by the social media giants, is a clear sign that this agenda has nothing to do with human health and well-being, and is likely to be antithetical to it.

So why have the majority of people been willing to obey directives that are clearly infringing upon our personal rights, and negatively impacting our physical and mental health? Some people are genuinely afraid, others just follow along out of convenience or an aversion to challenging authority. In most of these cases, the common thread is that due dilligence has not been done to ensure there is reliable proof that these measures are absolutely justified and should be followed.

Certainly if there was proper scientific evidence that the masking, social distancing, cohorting, and quarantining of healthy, asymptomatic people was beneficial to the population, my tune would be different. My extensive research has shown me that there is virtually no proper science behind these measures. In fact, the overwhelming majority of proper science (true randomized-control tests, objective statistics that provide ALL of the relevant information, and the analysis of heretofore highly respected and uncompromised scientific and medical experts in the pertinent fields) suggests to me that the current Covid measures are not only ineffective, but harmful to the human population, and may very well end up causing more people to die than the ‘virus’ itself.

Do the Research

If you would like to research into what many actual infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists believe–those that have not been hand-picked as ‘the experts’ by mainstream media in exchange for their willingness to follow the agenda–a great place to start is ‘The Great Barrington Declaration‘ which, as of this writing, has garnered the verified signatures of a staggering 12,532 medical and public health scientists, 37,302 medical practitioners, and 673,677 concerned citizens. The declaration is a simple and straightforward recommendation based on all relevant knowledge and science that trusting ‘natural herd immunity,’ which has protected humanity from viruses for all of human history, would eliminate all reasons to restrict the lives of healthy, asymptomatic people across the world:

“The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.”–The Great Barrington Declaration 

The positive implications of this are approach are staggering; and yet we see that those in power across the globe give no consideration or credence to this proposal. If our leaders actually cared about human health and safety, rather than following in lock-step with a global agenda, would this not at least be a part of the discussion about Covid measures in the ‘hallowed halls’ of global institutions like the UN and the WHO, or in chambers of government of each country? Wouldn’t the public health officers (on whose recommendations all these measures are based) be weighing the merits of the opposing views of respected doctors and scientists, and going to great lengths to explain to the public why they still believe these measures are needed, rather than simply pretending that there are no legitimate opposing views?

Just to give you an idea of what is being said when you look outside of mainstream media, here are a few of the articles from a 5-minute (non-Google) search I did.

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy

Doctors for Truth: Tens of Thousands Medical Professionals Suing and Calling for End to COVID Tyranny

Major Study Finds Masks Don’t Reduce COVID-19 Infection Rates


The Blatant Hypocrisy of our ‘Leaders’

I could find dozens and even hundreds more intelligent and cohesive arguments challenging all aspects of the current Covid measures being implemented around the world. But I don’t think extensive research is even necessary at this point. Our ‘authority’ is providing rampant examples of their own belief that these measures do not need to be followed–when we see them here in public without masks, making unnecessary trips right after they tell people to stay home, or attending large-group gatherings when they have mandated that we cannot.

The blatant hypocrisy of our ‘authority’ figures should paint a clear enough picture for us: those in power believe there are two groups, the ruling class and the ruled masses. Those who were born into or have worked their way into the ruling class truly believe that they should be free to do as they please, while the rest of us must follow their increasingly repressive rules. They hide their arrogance and their intentions only to the extent that it does not spark a mass awakening and a full-on rebellion.

Their ultimate goal, it should be known, is for the ruling class to gain so much power and control that they don’t even have to worry about whether the masses realize what’s going on. And this is what we are seeing being created before our eyes: a true new world order, a global technocratic surveillance state in which the ruling class (exemplified by rich technocrats like Bill Gates) are completely segregated from the ruled masses, where they have the power to determine who gets rewarded and who gets punished, and even who lives and who dies. The future implications of this order are being revealed everywhere, even in mainstream media:

  • mandatory vaccination with embedded digital information without which a person cannot work or travel
  • worldwide and satellite 5G installations to ensure a global surveillance and deterrence grid
  • continued masking and strategic isolation of the populous (including internment camps) even after vaccination
  • the complete erosion of national sovereignty
  • a financial reset to usher in a single, centrally-controlled digital currency and the elimination of private property

This kind of scenario has been aptly described in novels like 1984 and Brave New World, and illustrated in dramas such as The Hunger Games, Blade Runner and many others. All these works of ‘fiction’ have foreshadowed the times we are now in, and for this we should be grateful.

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Note I haven’t said this global totalitarian technocracy is going to happen, I have said that this has always been the plan of the global elite. It is because this plan and the power players behind this nefarious agenda are coming more into public view (in part because of the kind of alternative media that you are reading right now), those of us in the ‘ruled masses’ are starting to get wise to what is going on.

As I will discuss in Part 2: the Second Wave, this plan is still at a stage where it requires significant mass compliance in order to be effectuated. As we speak, people continue to wake up to the realization that this system relies fully on our consent, whether consciously or unconsciously given–meaning we actually have the power to stop it.

But nothing is guaranteed. To be aware of this agenda is to realize that each one of us, as individuals, plays a role in ensuring that it does not come to pass. If a critical mass of people sufficiently awaken and stand up for their inherent freedom from this encroaching tyranny, we may very well find ourselves able to simply withdraw our consent from this outdated model of governance and walk away from it. In doing so, we create the possibility of constructing a new paradigm of self-governance from the ground up, one that is more aligned with our highest collective visions and aspirations.