Dr Jeff Barke: “What If Quarantining The Healthy Doesn’t Actually Save Lives?”

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Dr. Jeffrey Barke, a well-respected California family doctor, took to the microphone during a rally in Riverside, CA a few days ago to air some of his common-sense views shared by many in his profession that he says are being silenced by those in power.

My name is Dr. Jeff Barke and I’m here representing thousands of physicians across the country whose voices are being silenced because we don’t agree with the mainstream media, and the ‘experts’ who are telling us what to do.

As I mention in my previously published article ‘Why This ‘Pandemic’ Is Looking More Like A Social Engineering Experiment,’ those in power seem to be enforcing safety and health measures that do not square with the actual data (which itself has been shown to be exaggerated) in order to test out larger and more comprehensive attempts to gain power and enforce compliance of the people.

The Revolution Has Started

Of course, we can take solace in the notion that the quarantine measures that healthy people are being subjected to are probably getting rushed in and forced upon us a bit more quickly than our authority would want, because they are feeling like their time is running out and they have to make this push now while some in the population have not yet awakened to the truth.

However, with the rapid communication afforded by social media to get a message out to the world–this article itself being spawned by a video found on social media–we are past the point when the genie can be put back in the bottle. The revolution that is the awakening of the people of the world to the truth cannot be stopped.

With the help of people like Jeff Barke and many others, we are starting to see the links between health, media, politics, and our inherent rights and freedoms as citizens.

Never in the history of this great Republic have we quarantined the healthy. Never in the history of this great Republic have we told church-goers that it’s illegal for you to exercise your first-amendment right of freedom of religion–yet, at the same time, it’s essential to keep pot dispensaries open.

Never before in our country have we let criminals out of jail, but we’ve told you you can’t exercise your second amendment right and protect yourself by purchasing a firearm.

The Declaration of Independence and our U.S. Constitution was never designed to restrain the people, it was designed to restrain the government.

Dr. Barke then goes on to discuss the data that is fairly widely agreed upon–that COVID-19 appears to have the same risks as a bad seasonal flu, and herd immunity, widely seen as the best and only way to truly protect against such diseases.

We can never achieve herd immunity by keeping the herd quarantined. It’s time that we protect the vulnerable and the most at risk, but we allow the young and the healthy to open the doors and go back to work.

The Takeaway

Certainly people have different opinions about this and any other matter. However, what we obviously would have consensus on is that we each have the right to make our own decisions and choices. This is the basic precept we must come together on. Once we the people fully grasp the power we have as a collective, and awaken to the truth of what has been going on in the world, that is when the world will start becoming a reflection of our loftiest dreams.

This article was originally published on Collective Evolution.