Congressional Hearing Could Be The Beginning Of The End For Hillary Clinton

For those who remain skeptical about the notion that the Trump Administration is working to take down a ‘Deep State’ that has long held power over the American government, the military, and its law enforcement and intelligence agencies, today’s (December 13, 2018) public hearing on investigations into the Clinton Foundation before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee may very well be a watershed moment.

Mind you, there is a second tier of skeptic to consider: those who accept the notion that a ‘Deep State’ or shadow government does exert tremendous power in our world and may very well have plans to create a totalitarian one-world government, but reject the notion that there is any real resistance to this power, especially not from Donald Trump.

Both sets of skeptics will point to the fact that there has been no concrete action, no major arrests of supposed key Deep State players. A case in point: is Hillary Clinton not still walking about freely, touring with her husband, flying out to India for a lavish wedding celebration, creating a buzz of excitement around the prospect that some lucky donor could get the opportunity to spend an evening of drinking and theatre with her?

OK, these events might be pathetic money grabs,  but certainly if some of the allegations against her were true, both groups would argue, would she not be behind bars by now? Suffice it to say, most people who have done any manner of research into the many claims against Hillary Clinton have concluded that while she is most likely a criminal, they just can’t see her getting arrested. But if–and it’s a big ‘if’–she ever does get arrested and convicted of a serious crime, that likely would satisfy the most ardent skeptic and give rise to widespread belief that the Trump Administration is working on, and succeeding in, taking down the Deep State. Let’s examine the possibility that things are headed in that direction.

Two-Tiered Justice System

For those who have been following the stories of impropriety, illegality, and even sexual perversion surrounding Hillary Clinton (at times in connection with husband Bill), from Whitewater to Filegate to Benghazi to Pizzagate to Uranium One to the private email server, and more recently with Clinton Foundation malfeasance in the spotlight surrounded by many suspicious deaths, there is a sense that Hillary Clinton must be too high up, has too much protection, or is too well-connected to ever have to face criminal charges. Certainly if one listens to former FBI investigator James Comey’s testimony into his kid-gloves handling of Clinton’s private email server investigation, one gets the impression that he is one of many government officials that is in Clinton’s back pocket.

Whistleblower William D. Campbell echoes the sentiments that people like Hillary Clinton are receiving preferential treatment in a ‘two-tiered justice system’, as noted in this Sara Carter article:

A former whistleblower, who has spoken with agents from the Little Rock FBI field office last year and worked for years as an undercover informant collecting information on Russia’s nuclear energy industry for the bureau, noted his enormous frustration with the DOJ and FBI. He describes as a two-tiered justice system that failed to actively investigate the information he provided years ago on the Clinton Foundation and Russia’s dangerous meddling with the U.S. nuclear industry and energy industry during the Obama administration.

“(Mueller) received the documents, copies of which I still have, over a period of years and ignored a national security threat to the United States because of his political preference,” said Campbell, who said he is frustrated that the investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the other information he provided was apparently ignored years ago.

However, it must be noted that this was how things were then. Things have changed significantly within the system, though if you relied on Mainstream Media you would probably not have put together how much this ‘two-tiered justice system’ has started to be challenged based on firings and forced resignations within the Department of Justice, the FBI, and elsewhere. This post from Q-Anon probably gives us the best compilation of these actions:



James Baker – FIRED [reported today – resigned [false]] / removed Jan/FIRED 4.21
Lisa Page – FIRED [reported today – resigned [false]]
Testimony received.
Mike Kortan, FBI Assistant Director for Public Affairs – FIRED [cooperating under ‘resigned‘ title]
Josh Campbell, Special Assistant to James Comey – FIRED
David Laufman, Chief of the Justice Department’s Counterintelligence and Export Control Section [NAT SECHRC email invest] – FIRED/FORCE
John Carlin, Assistant Attorney General – Head of DOJ’s National Security Division – FIRED/FORCE
Sally Yates, Deputy Attorney General & Acting Attorney General – FIRED
Mary McCord, Acting Assistant Attorney General – Acting Head of DOJ’s National Security Division – FIRED/FORCE
Bruce Ohr, Associate Deputy Attorney General – Demoted 2x – cooperating witness [power removed]
Rachel Brand, Associate Attorney General – No. 3 official behind Deputy AG Rosenstein – FIRED/FORCE
Cross against House/Senate resignations/final term announcements + CEO departures.


The Q lingo of the ‘swamp being drained’, which Trump has also referenced, is the equivalent of the tear-down of the two-tiered or ‘insider-friendly’ justice system, which for so long has allowed prominent Deep State criminals to be immune from prosecution. Just the kind of rhetoric we have been hearing, including Clinton Foundation CFO Andrew Kessel’s semi-metaphorical admission, ‘I know where all the bodies are buried in this place,’ leads us to believe that things are now different.

The Hearing

What may finally soothe the anger of William D. Campbell and other whistleblowers is that their time seems to have finally come to be heard, and perhaps even have their findings acted upon, as today’s hearing seems to be striking a different tone to the ears of those who have in-depth knowledge of the crimes that have been alleged. This is certainly how rep. Mark Meadows, a member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, sees it:

Rep. Mark Meadows, chairman of the Freedom Caucus and member of the committee, said this time it will be different. He noted that the investigation is apparently ongoing with the FBI and DOJ and believes the information being delivered for Thursday’s hearing to be ‘explosive’ in nature and may help connect the dots.

Meadow’s told Fox New’s Martha MaCallum Tuesday, “the American people, they want to bring some closure, not just a few sound bites, here or there, so we’re going to be having a hearing this week, not only covering over some of those 6,000 pages that you’re talking about, but hearing directly from three whistleblowers that have actually spent the majority of the last two years investigating this.”

Meadows, who’s also on President Donald Trump’s short-list to replace Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly, noted that some “allegations (whistleblowers) make are quite explosive.”

“We just look at the contributions. Now everybody’s focused on the contributions for the Clinton Foundation and what has happened just in the last year,” he said. “But if you look at it, it had a very strong rise, the minute she was selected as secretary of state. It dipped down when she was no longer there.”

“And then rose again, when she decided to run for president. So there are all kinds of allegations of pay-to-play and that kind of thing,” Meadows added.

If, in fact, this hearing reveals anything serious like the long-suspected ‘pay-to-play’ strategy of the Clinton Foundation–which allegedly sought large donations in return for favors from the Clinton-run State Department–then Hillary Clinton will be in big trouble. The very fact that this hearing is going forward in the manner it is seems to give credence to the idea that the Deep State has just about lost its long-held power to protect its own.

The Takeaway

As Martin Luther King said, ‘The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.’ It seems like those of us who have been researching and learning about the fraud and corruption in politics have been waiting so long for the truth to emerge and justice to be served as to have difficulty believing that it may ever arrive. Fortunately, we don’t have long to wait to see if this coming hearing is a true watershed moment and a harbinger for things to come.

That said, it is important to keep in mind that this is only a small part of a larger awakening that is happening on the planet right now, and if we hope to contribute to this awakening, we will realize that maintaining equanimity throughout the unfolding of these events is what is essential.