Las Vegas Massacre: Painstaking 10-Month Coverup Now Complete?

Well, friends, after 10 months we can all breathe a sigh of relief, with headlines like The Toronto Star’s ‘Authorities confirm Las Vegas massacre had no motive, no second gunman‘. No longer do we have to contemplate the possibilities that the Las Vegas massacre was an intentional, long-planned event on the part of the Deep State, a notion that would challenge that comfortable mainstream perception that our authority can be trusted.

We can take solace in the confirmation that this mass shooting was as senseless, incomprehensible, and unmotivated as EVERY OTHER MASS SHOOTING HAS BEEN. (Do we see a pattern here? Just askin’.)

Now I’ve been a human being for a long time. All my life in fact. And my experience in life dealing with people has convinced me things generally happen for a reason, and actions taken by people all have motivations that make complete sense once the truth is revealed. But I’m supposed to believe that in the special case of ‘mass shootings,’ that conviction should all go out the window? Suddenly it doesn’t apply? As the aforementioned article notes,

More than 10 months after the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, police say they are closing their investigation without answering the key question: What drove a gunman to unleash a hail of gunfire that killed 58 people and wounded hundreds more? But authorities say after hundreds of interviews and thousands of hours of investigative work, they are confident there is no evidence of a conspiracy or a second gunman.

I don’t discount that our ‘authority’ has done hundreds of interviews and thousands of hours of work. Only I think those interviews were founded on coercive or subtle forms of debriefing with people who had a different perception of the events than the official narrative; and the thousands of hours of work was in scrubbing out, censoring, and eliminating any pieces of evidence or testimony that stood against the notion that one, single, deranged, unmotivated man (Hello Lee Harvey Oswald and all the patsies that have come after him) would have been capable of enduring the rigors of single-handedly killing 58 people and wounding hundreds more from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel.

Disappearing Evidence

I have to say they’ve done a great job. There’s nary a piece of evidence left to be found on YouTube any longer that poses any serious threat to the official narrative. And even if there was, you would have to know its exact location to retrieve it. The only thing coming up on the Las Vegas Shooting on a YouTube Search now is the official propaganda from the mainstream. Even compilations of cell-phone video during the event are now the property of mainstream outlets, who have obviously scrubbed anything incriminating.

Months ago, I came to realize that Google’s Search Engine had stopped connecting us with information and websites we are actually searching for, giving priority to all the mainstream sources. Now YouTube is in on it, using various search algorithm methods to keep important information that provides an alternative narrative from reaching the seeker. I recall the day following the shooting, there seemed to be little doubt that gunmen in many other hotel windows were poised with rifles during the event. Testimonials to that effect were floating around freely. There was even evidence that stealth gunmen on the ground had opened fire into the crowd in short bursts.

Now I can’t find anything on this. I can no longer search and find videos and other information was were available on YouTube immediately after the event. The best I can do is provide you with some pattern recognition. Consider this: if an event is being characterized in a way that doesn’t make sense to you, if the numerous inconsistencies that cropped up during the initial reporting on the event are all suddenly wiped away without a mention, and if the story is the same one that’s been used throughout our recent history to perpetrate violence (Crazed Lone Gunman Goes On Senseless Killing Spree) you can bet we’re not getting the truth.

The best I can do in providing evidence is through one of our articles entitled “Eye Witness At Las Vegas Shooting States “There Were 7 Confirmed Shooters,” which was written a few days after the event took place and recounts one eyewitness’ story of having heard from more than one police officer that several shooters were involved.

Perpetuating The Narrative

I suppose I may be preaching to the converted, and only people who already know about false flags and the deception perpetrated by the Deep State will have read this far. Nonetheless, I believe it’s instructive in honing our discernment to examine what is going on in mainstream media when reporting on such events as these. Take, for example, this video from Fox News examining video footage from the Las Vegas Mass Shooting. In it, Catherine Lombardo, an attorney representing several victims of the shooting, says this video evidence is only coming out months after the incident ‘because the court ordered the Las Vegas Metro Police Department to release all this video footage and pursuant to court order they are releasing it piece by piece over the last couple of months.’

[youtube id=”sS3TMBpspak”]

The fact that police departments release information piece by piece, and only when forced to do so by courts, is a pretty good sign that their agenda is not uncovering the truth and getting it out to the public. And much has been said about Las Vegas County Sherrif Joseph Lombardo (same last name!) lying about the department’s findings.

If you watch the video, you will see points being made that the officers were waiting on the 31st floor while Steven Paddock was shooting, basically not doing anything. Whether they were just plain scared or had stand-down orders is not discussed. Also, Catherine Lombardo makes a kind of convoluted explanation that there seems to be some inconsistency in the testimony of a Mandalay Bay security officer and whether he was with a police officer named Hendricks on the 31st or the 32nd floor. This leads Lombardo to conclude that “something is wrong, something’s amiss, this whole thing it’s just the tip of the iceberg, we’ve only scratched the surface.” But we are completely left clueless as to exactly what she is implying.

While this video and its commentary is pointing at some kind of conspiracy to hide the truth, what is important to observe is that it is partly designed to reconfirm the ‘one-shooter’ mantra, which is essential to the official narrative. Slowly, over time, ideas that there were multiple shooters can fade away over time, especially when the mainstream stops talking about it and focuses instead on perpetuating the idea that all this damage and death was caused by one shooter.

Thwarting The ‘Big Lie’ Technique

This is the way it has been done by the Deep State since they came to power. Joseph Goebbels put it this way.

‘If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.’

While we have all been victims of this media manipulation in our lives to some extent, it no longer needs to be this way. We need to work hard to make sure our consciousness is no longer shuffled into a new box of perception based on this form of revisionist history. We need to recognize the patterns of deception. Our vigilance and commitment to the truth is more important now than ever.